We've been back more than six months now, long enough to have found an apartment, a job, and new adventures. But not long enough to have forgotten the taste of languid afternoons at the Copacabana or the delicious Subway sandwiches in St. Petersburgh (believe it or not!). Sitting out on the patio of our resort-like lagoon-side apartment in California, we often lovingly retrace our travels step-by-step, meal-by-meal, memory-by-memory.

Getting back into our easily forgotten rhythm wasn't as challenging as we may have feared, if we ever did fear anything! Our possessions, impatiently waiting to be bailed out of the super-crammed storage, stretched out gratefully in our new apartment. Nagesh went back to his old job (after the "sabbatical") while I set about preserving memories from our trip for posterity (read "creating scrapbooks"). That pickling wasn't going to last forever. Three scrapbooks and six months of frustrating job hunts later, I finally landed a job I truly enjoy.
But here comes the summer, teasing us with its bright sunshine face and long langorous days. Last Sunday was almost as hot as Cambodia this same time last year. Which reminds me that we still have not mailed Kinal his business cards. Hope the poor guy's still in business.
Anyway, all this is to only say that our nearly-forgotten blog is getting a facelift. Not because life is a journey every day and all that good stuff, which may be true, but because we want you all to travel with us... always.