Monday, February 07, 2005

Our Itinerary: Join the Caravan

Okay so here's a rough road map of our travels. All in the hope that everyone that's promised to meet us somewhere will start making some real plans. And those who have not will be tempted to do so.

February/March/April 2005 - SOUTH AMERICA
February 21 to March 10 - Chilean Patagonia (Torres del Paine)and Tierra Del Fuego
March 10 to March 20 - Santiago and vicinity
March 20 to March 28 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
March 29 to April 9 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
April 10 to April 24 - Peru (Machu Pichu and the Amazon)
April 25 - Return to San Francisco


June/July/August 2005 - EUROPE/AFRICA/ASIA
Exact dates for these travels are not known but here's a rough plan. Fly into Spain from USA and make our way into Africa via Morocco, onward to Egypt, and then into Kenya for Kilimanjaro. Probably in the June/July time frame.
From there we'll head into Russia via Eastern block. Then take the Trans-Mongolian into China through the Ger camps to meet our kindred spirits.
From China we make our way to South East Asia and of course, India! Yay!

We'll have more specific dates, so keep checking with us. We're flexible to some degree and will be happy to work around dates if you're joining us.

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