Thursday, July 30, 2015

Roma! Roma! Roma!

Can't wait to get to one of my favorite cities in the world! Took us barely half an hour to walk to the vaporetto stop and get to the Santa Lucia station. We were over an hour early. The shops at the station are wonderful and we stumbled into a Tiger store which is filled with inexpensive tchachkies. BB snagged a few items in a hurry before we got onto train to Rome.

More than half of our nearly 4 hour journey was spent chatting with a lovely mother-son duo from Argentina. We chatted about everything from culture to politics to food in Argentina, India, US and Italy. Their trip is the mom's graduation gift - from engineering school - to her son. I was impressed to see that the young chap had no electronic gadgets, chatted and sang with his mom the entire journey, and even gave her a full share of hugs and kisses. They said all his siblings live nearby and meet for meals often. Life is Buenos Aires is so good in general that no one really wants to leave. I don't blame them. I could live in BA! I asked BB - who was fully immersed in a Harry Potter movie - if he would ever do this trip with me again after he graduated from college. He said of course! I doubt it! I'll just enjoy what I have while I have it - shared attention with Harry Potter and all :) We did enjoy a few rounds of Uno after the movie got done.
Our train stopped in Padova, Bologna, and Firenze along the way. We alighted at Termini, took the metro to Barberini station where, upon emerging, we were greeted by Bernini's first free-standing fountain - King Triton on four Dolphins.
We checked into our weird apartment without a glitch but the heat was getting to us. The apartment had no sitting room, just two bedrooms connected by a galley kitchen. And no air conditioning! Just a couple of rinky-dink table fans!

Since BB is train sick (go figure!) he'd skipped lunch. We were starving and ready to see the Trevi fountain which is where we headed after a quick grocery pit stop. Woe is the word!!!! Trevi is closed for refurbishment! The best ride closed in Disneyland!!! Oh dear! If I can't drop coins into Trevi, does it mean I don't get to return? I was sad!

Dinner cheered us up a bit. Then we strolled to the Spanish steps and hung out there for over an hour, soaking in the crowds. Either all the Italians have left town in this heat or stilletoes are no longer the in thing. I can't get used to so many flat shoes in Rome!

Can you spot Waldo aka BB?
We returned to this lovely view of St Peters Badilica from one of our bedrooms.

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